Thursday, July 10, 2008

Lucky I Guess

I got stuck riding through this earlier tonight. I didn't intend to, shit just kind of happens when you head out for what was supposed to a 3-1/2 hour ride.

Went back out to Verona with the thoughts of doing one loop on the IM course plus either a sub-loop or an out and back on Whalen to kill the last hour-ish.
Nothing really to report, course is still hard as hell, thought of a second loop is still overwhelming.
Anyway, as I'm heading into Verona I start to notice it's getting dark, at 5:30, in the middle of summer. Coming down Main St. past the high school it's really dark, I don't notice a car without its lights on dark. As I pull up to the red light, it starts to absolutely pour. Luckily, I'm only about a mile or so from the truck which is parked at the Military Ridge trail parking lot.
So the light turns and I decide to do a controlled sprint in the pouring rain while trying not to get blown off my bike by some nasty crosswinds.
And all I could do was laugh.
Then I got cold, quick.
Unceremoniously tossed the bike in the back of the truck and jumped in. Transition time from bike to truck, 0.4 seconds.
One of these weeks I'll actually do a 56+ ride in preparation for Pigman. Maybe.


IronMin said...

I can't believe you got stuck in that! It was a terrible storm - you ARE lucky, even though I'm sure it didn't feel like it at the time. Tons of trees down in Madison...2 in my neighborhood alone.
Who needs distance when you have battled Mother Nature?! :)

Tea said...

WOW- nasty....although, that IS one of the fastest transition times on record. :)