Sunday, February 1, 2009

Three Down

Thirty-two to go, I think. Weeks that is. Training is coming along well, as far as I can tell anyway.

Swimming - I haven't been putting in nearly the yardage that I should be, at least according to the training plan. See, there is this point in every one of my swim workouts where I can feel my stroke completely fall apart. Now I'm no expert, but from everything I've read, swimming is much more about form then anything else. So when the forms goes, so do I. At this point I feel that continuing to swim with shitty form will do no good. I'm working on it and slowly building up the yardage.

Biking - The trainer still sucks. We have no tv in our basement so I'm limited to the laptop for entertainment. I've started watching season 1 of Weeds on Netflix. Netflix makes it bearable, but only barely, since I can only watch about 10-minutes at a time before it needs to reload. Most of my rides, with the exception of the first, have gone well. Yesterday was 1:45, which was really tough. I hope spring comes early, within the next 5 or six weeks I think my long ride is supposed to reach the 3-hour mark. Ouch.

Running - Still slow as dirt but the endurance is building. On a good day I can make it through a 45-minute run without a walk break. Today I was able to run on a balmy 30+ degree sunny morning. Not exactly shorts weather, but still a good 15 to 20 degrees warmer than anything I've run in recently. Could it be spring? One can only hope.

This week is a recovery week, which basically means my long run/bike doesn't get any longer. The oz-man is doing well. It'd be nice if he would figure out where to pee and what he can chew on, but it's only been a week. I forgot how much energy puppies can have.

1 comment:

bigmike600 said...

I haven't been doing much blogging in the past few months. Facebook has been my choice but I am getting back into the blog thing from time to time as it has a lot of information. Aquathon dates are out and I plan on doing them. Also let me know when you plan on doing some longer rides come late March (weather permitting) and my wife and I would love to come and ride with you.