Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sunday afternoon ride

As promised, I went out for my sunday afternoon ride. Friday's run/walk combined with work that day ( and participating in P's football practice that night) absolutely killed my legs. I don't remember a time when my leg muscles ever hurt like they have for the past couple of days. But the consensus was to do something, so I rode.

As it turns out my legs feel better now than before the ride. They still hurt, just not nearly as bad. Rode just under 11 miles, and managed to ride the second half slightly faster than the first. The wind may have played a part, and the Roby Road hill off Kings Lynn definitely slowed me down on the first half. And although I went out and intended to take it pretty easy, my pace was identical to my first two rides, a whopping 12 miles per hour.

That's all.

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